We do not advocate breeding cats unless you are a professional Breeder of are interested in becoming one-otherwise there are enough kittens and cat in shelters across Canada and many many are destroyed each year since they are not adopted or owners adopt them and decide they do not want them anymore. It is a frustrating circumstance since a pet is for life.
How often does a female cat come into heat and what are the symptoms?
The female cat (queen) comes into heat (estrus) many times each year. The heat period lasts about 2-3 weeks. If she is not bred, she will return to heat in 1-2 weeks. This cycle will continue for several heat cycles or until she is bred. The period of time that she is out of heat will vary depending on geographic and environmental factors, such as temperature and the number of daylight hours.
The signs of heat are different in cats as compared to dogs. Cats have minimal vaginal bleeding, usually unseen by owners. Their change in behavior is the most notable sign. Cats become very affectionate, rub against their owners and furniture and constantly want attention. They roll on the floor. When stroked over the back, they raise their rear quarters into the air and tread with the back legs. Their gait can change and often people think that they have injured their pelvis. They also become very vocal. These behavior changes often become obnoxious to owners and may be interpreted as some unusual illness. In addition, queens in heat attract unneutered male cats. Tomcats that have never been seen will appear and attempt to enter the house to mate with the female.
The signs of heat are different in cats as compared to dogs. Cats have minimal vaginal bleeding, usually unseen by owners. Their change in behavior is the most notable sign. Cats become very affectionate, rub against their owners and furniture and constantly want attention. They roll on the floor. When stroked over the back, they raise their rear quarters into the air and tread with the back legs. Their gait can change and often people think that they have injured their pelvis. They also become very vocal. These behavior changes often become obnoxious to owners and may be interpreted as some unusual illness. In addition, queens in heat attract unneutered male cats. Tomcats that have never been seen will appear and attempt to enter the house to mate with the female.
Successful Breeding
Male cats are more successful breeders in familiar surroundings. Therefore, it is preferable to take the female to the male's home for breeding. The timing for breeding cats is not highly critical or complicated because cats are induced ovulators. This means that the act of breeding stimulates the ovaries to release eggs. Therefore, the female's eggs should be released from the ovaries when the sperm are deposited in the reproductive tract at breeding. Once ovulation has occurred, the female cat will go out of heat within a day or two.
Pregnancy, also called the gestation period, ranges from 60 to 67 days and averages 63 days; most cats deliver kittens (queen) between days 63 and 65. The only way to accurately determine the stage of pregnancy is to count days from the time of breeding. If possible, the breeding date(s) should be recorded. The mother should be examined three weeks after breeding to confirm her pregnancy.
A pregnant cat should be fed a kitten formulation of a premium brand of cat food for the duration of the pregnancy and through the nursing period. We can recommend premium diets at our veterinary clinic. Kitten diets provide all the extra nutrition needed for the mother and her litter. If the mother is eating one of these diets, no calcium, vitamin, or mineral supplements are needed. The kitten diet is necessary to provide the extra nutrients needed during pregnancy and nursing.
During pregnancy the mother's food consumption will often reach 50% more than her level before pregnancy. By the end of the nursing period, it may be more than double the pre-pregnancy amount. Do not withhold food; increasing the number of feedings per day is helpful in allowing her to eat enough for her needs and those of the kittens. Please ensure that the Queen has ample access to water as it is a necessary commodity to produce the milk as well!
A pregnant cat should be fed a kitten formulation of a premium brand of cat food for the duration of the pregnancy and through the nursing period. We can recommend premium diets at our veterinary clinic. Kitten diets provide all the extra nutrition needed for the mother and her litter. If the mother is eating one of these diets, no calcium, vitamin, or mineral supplements are needed. The kitten diet is necessary to provide the extra nutrients needed during pregnancy and nursing.
During pregnancy the mother's food consumption will often reach 50% more than her level before pregnancy. By the end of the nursing period, it may be more than double the pre-pregnancy amount. Do not withhold food; increasing the number of feedings per day is helpful in allowing her to eat enough for her needs and those of the kittens. Please ensure that the Queen has ample access to water as it is a necessary commodity to produce the milk as well!
How to prepare for the kittens birth?
From the time of breeding, many cats show behavioral changes. Most develop an unusually sweet and loving disposition and demand more affection and attention. However, some may become uncharacteristically irritable. Some experience a few days of vomiting ("morning sickness") followed by the development of a ravenous appetite, which persists throughout the pregnancy.
During the latter stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to look for a secure secluded place for delivery. Many become uncomfortable being alone and will cling closely to their owner. At the onset of labor, many nervously seek a place to make the "nest" or birthing place. If the cat is attached to her owner, she will not want to be left alone at the time of delivery. If left alone, she may delay delivery until the owner returns.
Prior to the time of delivery, a queening or birthing box should be selected and placed in a secluded place, such as a closet or a dark corner. The box should be large enough for the cat to move around freely, but have low enough sides so that she can see out and so you can reach inside to give assistance, if needed. The bottom of the box should be lined with several layers of newspapers. These provide a private hiding place for the expectant and delivering mother and will absorb the birthing fluids. The upper, soiled layers may be removed with minimal interruption to the mother and her newborn kittens. Your cat will not want any of your other cats around and may attack them thinking they are putting her kittens at risk, so do not take any chances.
During the latter stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to look for a secure secluded place for delivery. Many become uncomfortable being alone and will cling closely to their owner. At the onset of labor, many nervously seek a place to make the "nest" or birthing place. If the cat is attached to her owner, she will not want to be left alone at the time of delivery. If left alone, she may delay delivery until the owner returns.
Prior to the time of delivery, a queening or birthing box should be selected and placed in a secluded place, such as a closet or a dark corner. The box should be large enough for the cat to move around freely, but have low enough sides so that she can see out and so you can reach inside to give assistance, if needed. The bottom of the box should be lined with several layers of newspapers. These provide a private hiding place for the expectant and delivering mother and will absorb the birthing fluids. The upper, soiled layers may be removed with minimal interruption to the mother and her newborn kittens. Your cat will not want any of your other cats around and may attack them thinking they are putting her kittens at risk, so do not take any chances.
Labour and delivery
Most cats experience delivery without complications; however, first-time mothers should be attended by their owners until at least one or two kittens are born. If these are born quickly and without assistance, further attendance may not be necessary, although it is desirable. If the owner elects to leave, care should be taken so that the cat does not try to follow and leave the queening box. The average litter is 5 kittens depending on the breed.
The signs of impending labor generally include nervousness and panting. The cat will often quit eating during the last 24 hours before labor. She will also usually have a drop in rectal temperature below 37.8°C. The temperature drop may occur intermittently for several days prior to delivery, but it will usually be constantly low for the last 24 hours. You will also notice that she had started to produce milk from her nipples and may drip some out.
Delivery times will vary. Shorthaired cats and cats having slim heads, such as Siamese, may complete delivery in one to two hours. Domestic body type cats (having large, round heads) generally require longer delivery times. Persian and other domestic body type kittens tend to be very large and have sizable heads that make delivery more difficult. It is not unusual for Persians to rest an hour or more between each kitten. Rarely, a cat may deliver one or two kittens then stop labor for as long as twenty-four hours before the remainder of the litter is born. However, if labor does not resume within a few hours after the delivery of the first kittens, examination by a veterinarian is advised. If labor is interrupted for twenty-four hours or more, veterinary assistance should definitely be obtained.
Kittens are usually born head first; however, breech presentations, in which the kitten is delivered tail-end first, occur about 40% of the time and are also considered normal. Each kitten is enclosed in a sac that is part of the placenta (afterbirth). The placentas usually pass after the kittens are born. However, any that do not pass will disintegrate and pass within 24-48 hours after delivery. It is normal for the mother to eat the placentas. Watch out for indigestion from her eating too many placentas and if any are retained she may get a uterine infection and fever-Please contact us if that is the case!
If the delivery proceeds normally, a few contractions will discharge the kitten; it should exit the birth canal within ten minutes of being visible. Following delivery, the mother should lick the newborn's face. She will then proceed to wash it and toss it about. Her tongue is used to tear the sac and expose the mouth and nose. This vigorous washing stimulates circulation, causing the kitten to cry and begin breathing; it also dries the newborn's haircoat. The mother will sever the umbilical cord by chewing it about 3/4 to 1 inch (1.9 to 2.5 cm) from the body. Next, she will eat the placenta.
If reasonable contractions are occuring without being able to permitting the kitten to exit, or if the queen cries intensely during this process, the kitten is probably lodged. Immediate veterinary care is needed.
It is normal for the female to remove the placental sac and clean the kittens; however, first-time mothers may be bewildered by the experience and hesitate to do so, thus need help to remove sac and clean the kittens and dry them off.
Newborn kittens may aspirate fluid into the lungs, which you will notice by a raspy noise during breathing. Contact your vet on how to assist to help exit the fluid and mucus from the lungs. The tongue is a reliable indicator of successful respiration. If the kitten is getting adequate oxygen, it will appear pink to red. A bluish colored tongue indicates insufficient oxygen to the lungs, signaling that all is well.
It may be helpful to have a smaller, clean, dry box lined with a warm towel for the newborn kittens. A towel can be warmed in a microwave oven. Warmth is essential so a heating pad or hot water bottle may be placed in the box, or a heat lamp may be placed nearby. If a heating pad is used, it should be placed on the lowest setting and covered with a towel to prevent overheating. A hot water bottle should be covered with a towel. Remember that the newborn kittens may be unable to move away from the heat source. Likewise, caution should be exercised when using a heat lamp.
Once delivery is completed, the soiled newspapers should be removed from the queening box. The box should be lined with soft bedding prior to the kittens' return. The mother should accept the kittens readily and recline for nursing.
The mother and her litter should be examined by a veterinarian within 24 hours after the delivery is completed. This visit is to check the mother for complete delivery and to check the newborn kittens. The mother may receive an injection to contract the uterus and stimulate milk production.
The mother will have a bloody vaginal discharge for 3-14 days following delivery. If it continues for longer then she should be examined by a veterinarian for possible problems.
The signs of impending labor generally include nervousness and panting. The cat will often quit eating during the last 24 hours before labor. She will also usually have a drop in rectal temperature below 37.8°C. The temperature drop may occur intermittently for several days prior to delivery, but it will usually be constantly low for the last 24 hours. You will also notice that she had started to produce milk from her nipples and may drip some out.
If the delivery proceeds normally, a few contractions will discharge the kitten; it should exit the birth canal within ten minutes of being visible. Following delivery, the mother should lick the newborn's face. She will then proceed to wash it and toss it about. Her tongue is used to tear the sac and expose the mouth and nose. This vigorous washing stimulates circulation, causing the kitten to cry and begin breathing; it also dries the newborn's haircoat. The mother will sever the umbilical cord by chewing it about 3/4 to 1 inch (1.9 to 2.5 cm) from the body. Next, she will eat the placenta.
If reasonable contractions are occuring without being able to permitting the kitten to exit, or if the queen cries intensely during this process, the kitten is probably lodged. Immediate veterinary care is needed.
It is normal for the female to remove the placental sac and clean the kittens; however, first-time mothers may be bewildered by the experience and hesitate to do so, thus need help to remove sac and clean the kittens and dry them off.
Newborn kittens may aspirate fluid into the lungs, which you will notice by a raspy noise during breathing. Contact your vet on how to assist to help exit the fluid and mucus from the lungs. The tongue is a reliable indicator of successful respiration. If the kitten is getting adequate oxygen, it will appear pink to red. A bluish colored tongue indicates insufficient oxygen to the lungs, signaling that all is well.
It may be helpful to have a smaller, clean, dry box lined with a warm towel for the newborn kittens. A towel can be warmed in a microwave oven. Warmth is essential so a heating pad or hot water bottle may be placed in the box, or a heat lamp may be placed nearby. If a heating pad is used, it should be placed on the lowest setting and covered with a towel to prevent overheating. A hot water bottle should be covered with a towel. Remember that the newborn kittens may be unable to move away from the heat source. Likewise, caution should be exercised when using a heat lamp.
Once delivery is completed, the soiled newspapers should be removed from the queening box. The box should be lined with soft bedding prior to the kittens' return. The mother should accept the kittens readily and recline for nursing.
The mother and her litter should be examined by a veterinarian within 24 hours after the delivery is completed. This visit is to check the mother for complete delivery and to check the newborn kittens. The mother may receive an injection to contract the uterus and stimulate milk production.
The mother will have a bloody vaginal discharge for 3-14 days following delivery. If it continues for longer then she should be examined by a veterinarian for possible problems.
When to Call the Vet!
Although most cats deliver without need for assistance, problems may arise which require a veterinarian. Professional assistance should be sought if any of the following occur:
- Twenty minutes of intense labor occurs without a kitten being delivered.
- Ten minutes of intense labor occurs when a kitten or a fluid-filled bubble is visible in the birth canal.
- The mother experiences sudden depression or marked lethargy.
- The mother's body temperature exceeds 103°F (39.4°C) via a rectal thermometer.
- Fresh blood discharges from the vagina for more than 10 minutes.
Difficulty delivering (dystocia) may be managed with or without surgery. The condition of the mother, size of the litter, and size of the kittens are factors used in making that decision.
Premature delivery
Occasionally, a mother will deliver a litter prematurely. The kittens may be small, thin, and have little or no hair. It is possible for them to survive, but they require an enormous amount of care, since they are subject to chilling and are frequently very weak and unable to swallow. Some may be able to nurse but are so weak that they must be held next to the mother. Kittens that do not nurse can be fed with a small syringe, bottle, or stomach tube. The equipment and instructions for these procedures are available from a veterinarian. Premature kittens must be kept warm. The mother can provide sufficient radiant heat from her body if she will stay close to them. If she refuses, heat can be provided with a heat lamp, heating pad, or hot water bottle. Excessive heat can be just as harmful as chilling, so any form of artificial heat must be controlled. The temperature in the box should be maintained at 85° to 90°F (29.4° to 32.2°C), but the box should be large enough so the kittens can move away from the heat if it becomes uncomfortable.
Can kittens be stillborn?
It is not uncommon for one or two kittens in a litter to be stillborn. Sometimes, a stillborn kitten will disrupt labor, resulting in dystocia. At other times the dead kitten will be born normally. Although there is always a cause for this occurrence, it is often not easily determined without an autopsy that includes cultures and the submission of tissues to a pathologist. This is only recommended in special circumstances.
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